While advocates want to link the climate and biodiversity agendas, critics say nature should not be commodified and human rights safeguards are needed
The Chinese president called on other donor countries to contribute to the $230 million fund for biodiversity at Kunming talks
The IUCN Congress has come up with a blueprint for a “transformative” deal to protect plants and wildlife, which members hope governments will embrace in Kunming
Members of the IUCN Congress overwhelmingly backed the motion but Brazilian experts warn the verdict will likely be ignored by Bolsonaro’s government
A group of human rights NGOs has organised a counter-summit, claiming mainstream conservation measures aren’t respecting indigenous peoples’ rights
Experts welcomed the proposed targets to protect and restore nature, but said without funding and national accountability they would achieve little
Pandemic delays and gruelling online talks threaten the ambition of a Kunming global pact to protect nature due to be finalised in October
The Legacy Landscape Fund aims to mobilise public and private finance to support an ambitious nature protection deal at this October’s Kunming summit
Shell’s net zero plan is better seen as a defence of its core oil and gas business, which it is planning to expand, than a genuine energy transition
Creditors could grant Pakistan debt relief in exchange for meeting nature restoration targets, under a proposed first-of-its-kind bond
Campaigners welcomed commitments to ramp up funding for biodiversity but raised concerns it came at the expense of other climate and aid spending
A pledging conference to halt the decline of biodiversity worldwide yielded only a handful of vague financial commitments from European governments
Global Biodiversity Outlook draft finds funding shortfalls and failure to account for the role of women held back progress on restoring ecosystems
President Bolsonaro could rebuild the economy faster after Covid-19 by making low-carbon growth a pillar of recovery, international study says
The European Commission set out a strategy to overhaul farming and strictly protect carbon-rich forests and wetlands, to benefit wildlife
UN climate science reports due in 2021 will examine the links between pandemics and human pressures on the natural world to guide policymakers
China and the UK must ensure all nations are involved in planning the delayed summits to protect biodiversity and to raise climate action
‘Bionitrate’ made from urine is starting to help yields for farmers in Malawi who face high costs fertilising maize and other crops amid shifting weather patterns
Nature-based solutions deserve much deeper consideration as governments decide how to design their economic responses to the coronavirus
Observers say additional time could help countries agree on rules to create marine protected areas in parts of the ocean that lie beyond national jurisdiction