Diong has experience in development banking, government and insurance against climate disasters in Africa
As host of the board of the new UN L&D fund, the Philippines can set an example with its pioneering climate accountability bill
More creditors are agreeing to suspend debt payments in the wake of weather disasters, but experts say greater financial relief will be needed
In the wake of yet another Caribbean climate disaster, Labour should raise its ambition in offering international support
Unless the unique needs of conflict zones are prioritized, climate-vulnerable communities risk losing out on finance again
Malawi’s Red Cross built 45 homes funded by a suspected Nigerian fraudster, which residents of Mchenga village say are unsafe
The new UN fund can channel taxes and other innovative ways of raising money to pay for climate loss and damage – we just have to decide to apply them
At its first meeting, the fund’s board decided to fast-track the selection of its host country so money can be disbursed as fast as possible to disaster-hit people
Scientists blame the current drought on El Niño – which could exclude those affected from receiving aid for climate-change damage
Representatives of groups hardest-hit by the climate crisis say restrictions on their participation at the fund’s first board meeting set a worrying precedent
Demand for finance to pay for the aftermath of climate impacts is rocketing – but progress on getting a new UN loss and damage fund up and running is slow
The UN agencies that will run the Santiago Network recommended it should be based in Nairobi but governments have instead chosen the world’s third-most expensive city
The industry and governments’ maritime ministries want a proposed levy on emissions spent on cleaning up shipping, not used for wider climate goals like loss and damage
Farmers need crop irrigation to help beat drought – but it’s unclear if that would qualify for new loss and damage funding
Without proper interventions anchored on the latest and best available science, even more people would be vulnerable to disastrous impacts of tremendous economic and non-economic costs.
Their failure to agree risks delaying help for victims of climate disasters in developing countries
The taskforce, set to be launched at Cop28, will consider the feasibility of levies on shipping, aviation, financial transactions and fossil fuels.
Developing countries made key concession to land a draft deal on funding for climate victims, subject to political signoff at Cop28
At the Global Partnership for Education, we paid a high price to be hosted by the World Bank. A loss and damage fund should be independent
Developing countries are outraged by a proposal to host a climate loss and damage fund at the World Bank, painting it as a US power grab