Azerbaijan’s COP29 president calls for determination and leadership from all countries to bridge the gaps on finance
The UNFCCC has changed quota allocations for observers in a bid to address imbalance in regional representation
As host of the COP29 summit, Baku must stop fossil fuel expansion, cut its emissions further, and work to deliver an ambitious climate finance goal
Detailed criteria would include China and Gulf States in the donor base. But experts recommend incentives not coercion
Amid record-breaking climate impacts, the COP29 host nation needs to ramp up action for an ambitious outcome in Baku
At June’s Bonn talks, governments made little progress on gender equality while evidence shows women bear a heavy climate burden
Governments split on when and how to set a dollar amount for new finance goal, and human rights activists seek stronger protection in COP host nations
My people are experiencing loss and damage, and deserve international support under a new climate finance goal – negotiators in Bonn and beyond must take heed
After Armenians fled the conflict-torn region, the COP29 host nation has launched a huge reconstruction effort to polish its green credentials
Germany wants all high-emitters, especially among G20 countries, to pitch in. But China and Saudi Arabia say the responsibility lies with developed nations
While 84,000 delegates attended COP28 in Dubai, just 40,000-50,000 are expected at COP29 in Baku and COP30 in Belém
The all-male group in charge of the climate summit organisation includes oil and gas executives and controversial government officials
The US election and negotiations on a new global finance target are the most important things for the climate in 2024