Arthur Neslen</a> in Brussels Feed" href="" />
Experts refute EU claim that 3,500km gas pipeline from Azerbaijan is necessary for energy security, amid alarm over corruption and human rights issues
EU commissioner has signalled that the US can downgrade its pledge to the Paris deal, but poor countries say such an act would “undermine global solidarity”
New partners move to take on global climate leadership at meeting in Canada this weekend as US influence declines
As a dieselgate-charged election approaches, data reveals German officials met with auto lobbyists more than once every two days to discuss the scandal
Quota on the production of electric cars by 2030 would be mandatory, according to sources
Euracoal accuses the European Commission of using air pollution legislation to implement climate policy, in breach of procedural rules
Latest draft of German plan for next week’s Hamburg meeting contains major concessions to US and opens door for coal projects to be defined as “clean”
“I suspect he is a loser president,” says Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker. But conceded trade barrier from the EU were unlikely
As the world looks to the EU for leadership on climate, eastern states are diluting laws supposed to guide Europe toward its carbon reduction targets
Report reveals Shell’s contracts with the Rotterdam School of Management that gave it power over the school’s core educational functions
All five leading candidates in France’s presidential election have made prominent energy efficiency pledges, now UK Labour have followed suit
The European Parliament is set to back a ban on use of palm oil for biofuels, in a bid to protect rainforests, but exporters warn this would violate trade rules
EXCLUSIVE: Government official tells Climate Home that carbon trading is “big challenge” for China: “We would like to use a different kind of economic instrument”