Comments on: India: Paris climate talks problem-child or green leader? Climate change news, analysis, commentary, video and podcasts focused on developments in global climate politics Wed, 06 Jan 2016 16:01:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lokesh Wed, 06 Jan 2016 16:01:00 +0000 “India is the world’s fifth largest economy”

What is the author talking about?
None of these two suggest that ,

Article should have included comparative Percapita CO2 emissions, Especially if it wants to question the validity of Indian argument.

Rich countries, have no Moral High ground to question developing countries if they despite being rich and able to afford Pollution free ways are not willing to change. PerCapita emission cap should be, if anything, lenient towards Developing countries. India has not even reached 10% of Percapita Emission of Rich countries.

By: ThomasJK Thu, 03 Dec 2015 11:07:00 +0000 Where is it written in the annals of The Universe that enough wishing and hoping will cause the fundamental laws of physics — and chemistry — to flex, bend and stretch is just the right ways to make all the hopey – wishy stuff become possible?

For as long as government financial subsidies are needed for “renewables” so-called viability, “renewables” will not be sustainably viable. One thing that appears to not make the agenda is that money is a proxy for energy. In both directions — energy is the source of money and having money enables the “haves” to have access to energy.
