Brussels is promising green infrastructure investment for African countries, but Beijing has a better reputation on the continent
Frustrated by a lack of recognition of Africa’s special needs on climate, advisers are calling on national leaders to unite behind a common agenda in Sharm el-Sheikh
Nigerian and Senegalese leaders have criticised western countries for pledging to stop funding gas projects internationally, calling for exceptions to be made
President Xi Jinping promised to share around a quarter of China’s pandemic recovery boost with Africa, more than European and American countries
The Polisario Front has released an unofficial climate plan for the Sahrawi people, saying Morocco has built wind and solar farms on their land without consent
After announcing a 2060 net zero goal at Cop26, the oil producing nation will set up a national council to oversee the implementation of its climate plan
With the US refusing to budge on the text of the Glasgow agreement, African nations reluctantly accepted a promise of stronger voluntary support
The package was hailed as “groundbreaking” for being country-led and addressing a need to reskill and support coal miners
Board members from developing countries insisted that making a 2050 net zero goal a condition for accreditation to the fund breaches equity principles
Africa’s biggest polluter has significantly strengthened its climate targets for this decade, as renewables increasingly out-compete coal power
The government is promising to crack down on wasteful emissions from oil and gas production, a major climate and health issue in Nigeria
The government is promoting smaller livestock to limit the rise of methane emissions, in a plan that is 80% dependent on international finance
The government is ending a decade-old ban on new forestry concessions, to the horror of campaigners who say the move is incompatible with climate targets
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China told environmentalists in a meeting last month they would not go ahead with the 2.8GW Sengwa coal plant
Many Kenyans are suffering post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety after being hit by extreme weather, but lack access to mental health services
As rising sea levels slowly engulf the ancestral graves of a fishing community in Ivory Coast, residents are moving their relatives before their bodies are lost forever
A programme to restore Kenya’s damaged coral reefs is creating jobs and boosting the fish catch in economically vulnerable communities
UN agencies are urgently calling for international support as a million Madagascans go hungry, with some surviving on insects and wild roots
Friends of the Earth is launching a judicial review over the UK government’s decision to back the multi-billion development, arguing it is inconsistent with the Paris Agreement
Uganda and Tanzania have given political backing to the 1,445km East African Crude Oil Pipeline, but climate campaigners are deterring investment