Rich countries have long resisted giving money specifically for the “loss and damage” that climate change is causing
Copenhagen was the first city to launch a carbon neutrality plan in 2012, but has given up on its pledge due to a lack of CCS funding
In her annual state of the union speech, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen set out major energy market interventions to manage high prices
The UK’s new prime minister Liz Truss has appointed Jacob Rees-Mogg as energy secretary, who has a record of dismissing climate science
Presidents of Senegal, DRC and Ghana travelled to Rotterdam to talk about adapting to climate change. Only one European leader was there to meet them
Rockhopper used the Energy Charter Treaty to sue the Italian government for foregone profits and plans to invest the compensation in further drilling
Olaf Scholz is boosting gas infrastructure projects on the basis they will be “hydrogen-ready”, which experts say is unrealistic and risks locking in high emissions
Despite a backlash against moves to impose rationing, every member state except Hungary united behind the plan to boost energy security this winter
The European Parliament’s four largest political groups are proposing a 14.5% efficiency goal by 2030, up from the 9% discussed last year
Climate campaigners accused EU lawmakers of “betrayal” and some member states are preparing legal challenges to the sustainable taxonomy
Olaf Scholz and Mario Draghi met with Argentina’s president Alberto Fernández to discuss support for new gas infrastructure on the sidelines of G7 meetings
Europe needs low-carbon hydrogen and the Middle-East and North Africa can produce it
Under the reform, the EU will end protection for new fossil fuel infrastructure. But existing ones will remain protected for 10 years and some gas projects for even longer
A proposal by developing countries for a loss and damage facility isn’t flying with rich nations, who prefer other options.
From the Greens and left to the centre-right, MEPs object to gas and nuclear investments getting a “green” label
Client Earth is arguing the European Commission’s infrastructure priorities are not compatible with climate goals
Asset management subsidiary DWS is under investigation for mislabelling investments as “sustainable”, in a case that could amount to investment fraud
Finland’s goal to go net zero by 2035 and then carbon negative was based on equity as well as science, but it won’t be easy to reverse forest loss
Only 13% of EU spending 2014-20 was relevant to climate action, not 20% as claimed, the European Court of Auditors said, with the biggest gap in farming policy
Many of the actions being taken for Europe’s energy security will cut emissions – so why not submit a stronger climate target to the UN?