While most attention is on fossil fuels, the US is blocking progress on an adaptation playbook, a matter of life or death for many Africans
We’ve had enough “transparency” and “dialogue” around fossil fuel subsidy reform. It’s time to change the defaults
Differentiated targets and financial support for the global south are critical to overcoming opposition to a fossil fuel phase-out at Cop28
The oil and gas industry wants you to believe it can capture its emissions and keep drilling as usual. That’s no way to avert climate chaos
At the Global Partnership for Education, we paid a high price to be hosted by the World Bank. A loss and damage fund should be independent
A renewable energy target will be debated at Cop28 but financial reforms are needed for the Global South outside China to meet that target
The EU once led the world in combatting flawed forest offset schemes. Now it’s looking to give them a new lease of life.
Some of the world’s biggest cruise companies are claiming to be green, while continuing to use weakly regulated fossil fuels
The case, to be heard in the European Court of Human Rights on Wednesday, could change the way states are held accountable for climate harms
Masses of people will take to the streets in 650 events around the world this weekend, to call for a phaseout of coal, oil and gas
We need to recognise the diversity of ways climate impacts influence people’s movements, not reduce them to one label
It’s often hard to judge whether a drought is weather-related or climate related and whether people are displaced by the drought or conflicts
As Morocco faces increasingly extreme temperatures, indigenous communities in the country’s southeast suffer the brunt of the climate crisis
While drawing up their renewables deal with wealthy countries, Senegalese government, civil society, business and researchers had their say
Public money should stop flowing towards the expansion of animal agriculture, which is responsible for a fifth of the world’s emissions
Republicans are pressuring insurers out of climate coalitions but won’t change their pro-climate business decisions
The Banner sisters fought for the preservation of land in America’s ‘Cancer Alley’. They are now in Paris to demand a global cap on plastic production.
Rich nations’ leaders need to uphold their commitment to a clean and sustainable energy future.
The World Bank controls tens of billions of dollars which can make a real difference in the fight against climate change. A coalition of nations is pushing for green reforms.
Indigenous people protect the forests but the organisation writing up a rule-book for high-quality carbon offsets has not adequately consulted them