Young people from the Philippines, Kenya and Brazil tell Climate Home News why they took part in a global climate demonstration on Friday
Illegal settlements are springing up on indigenous territories in the Brazilian Amazon, driving deforestation
Emboldened by a promised amnesty on land seizures, cattle ranchers are felling brazil nut trees, edging out families who have harvested them for generations
Indigenous inhabitants of the region with the largest deposits of niobium in the world claim the right to decide what is done with the metal
President Jair Bolsonaro’s opening up of the Brazilian rainforest to logging and mining makes its people vulnerable to the Covid-19 pandemic, experts warn
Rubber tappers burn an Amazon forest reserve in Brazil to clear land to raise cattle – deforestation has increased under President Jair Bolsonaro
Brazil “doesn’t need” €35 million of international funds earmarked to protect the Amazon rainforest, the president insists
Brazil’s president has slashed forest and indigenous protections in his first 100 days. As a major importer of soya and beef, the EU should check his power
The $2,500 fine launched a seven year vendetta against José Olímpio Augusto Morelli and the agency that protects the Amazon, from the man who now runs the country
Joênia Wapichana helped to win land titles for five indigenous groups in Brazil’s far north, but the president is threatening to re-open the area to white farmers and miners
Presenting an acceptable Brazil to global investors, the president failed to mention measures he has taken that are already fuelling violence in indigenous lands
In first overseas speech, president says he will strike balance between environment and “much-needed economic development”
Environment made subservient to “national sovereignty” in a foreign ministry restructure under climate sceptic Ernesto Araújo
Ricardo de Aquino Salles, a close ally of farming interests, was named as minister on Sunday, he said the conversation about global warming was ‘secondary’
Ernesto Araújo, a relatively junior diplomat, accuses the left of using the environmental cause ‘to serve their political project of total domination’
Finance to be ‘very important’ tool if Brazil’s government strips Amazon protections, say researchers
The election of Jair Bolsonaro is the most critical new threat to efforts to control climate change
Rightwing president-elect has pledged to open the rainforest to farming and industry, while slashing environmental protections and democratic rights
Ahead of Sunday’s presidential election, the frontrunner has said he will stay in the UN climate pact, as long as it does not threaten Brazilian sovereignty
De facto presidential frontrunner says he would follow Donald Trump out of the international pact, drawing criticism from the UN’s environment chief