We’ve had enough “transparency” and “dialogue” around fossil fuel subsidy reform. It’s time to change the defaults
Differentiated targets and financial support for the global south are critical to overcoming opposition to a fossil fuel phase-out at Cop28
The oil and gas industry wants you to believe it can capture its emissions and keep drilling as usual. That’s no way to avert climate chaos
I am named in a Shell lawsuit against Greenpeace for trying to board their oil rig, but I won’t stop fighting their climate vandalism
My homeland of Denmark played its part in causing the climate crisis but is now phasing out fossil fuels. In Dubai, the world must follow
The Cop28 team must show leadership on fossil fuel phase-out, renewable and energy efficiency, finance, climate plans and loss and damage
Climate advocacy is overly dominated by scientists and engineers and is weakened by the lack of historians, philosophers and artists
Khalil was a researcher who drew attention to the impacts of climate change on the Gaza Strip before being killed by Israel’s bombs
To build the East African Crude Oil Pipeline, Total is moving over 2,000 graves in Uganda and Tanzania, with no respect for local customs
Even though we now have the Paris agreement, cooperation between the world’s two biggest emitters, US and China, is still crucial
Export credit agencies are still backing oil and gas projects – this week’s OECD meeting is a chance to change that
The climate minister of Pacific Island Vanuatu says those choosing the Cop31 host should examine Australia’s gas expansion plans
At the Global Partnership for Education, we paid a high price to be hosted by the World Bank. A loss and damage fund should be independent
Wars harm climate action because large militaries emit a lot and military spending diverts money away from tackling climate change
A renewable energy target will be debated at Cop28 but financial reforms are needed for the Global South outside China to meet that target
Planned oil and gas blocks cover an area the size of France in the Brazilian Amazon
Climate disasters cascade across continents and oceans – countries must tackle them together
The EU once led the world in combatting flawed forest offset schemes. Now it’s looking to give them a new lease of life.
Transport accounts for a growing share of global emissions. The EU should lead a push for clean travel at home and internationally
Nearly two fifths of India’s districts depend on the coal sector and a rapid phasedown would be devastating for millions of people